Scott Green: Woodworker

Scott Green: Woodworker

Scott Green came to work for Wolfworks over thirty years ago. He joined an all star team of talented woodworkers and project managers and learned side by side with them just what that meant. Among other things it meant getting a lot of practice working on every aspect...
Joe Lemeiro & Tile America

Joe Lemeiro & Tile America

There is no substitute for seeing a product in person. This is doubly true for finishes, and perhaps nowhere as important as in the selection of tile. Sure, you can get a sense of the look and feel of many tile applications online, but when the time comes to place an...
Looking for Land to Build On

Looking for Land to Build On

Designing and building your home from the ground up can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling projects of your life. After all, it’s crafted around what matters to you and it offers the opportunity to bake in qualities that matter to the planet. But before...
How Does Your Home Fit?

How Does Your Home Fit?

Our homes provide shelter, comfort, and security. They are places to gather and retreat. They play an important role in our physical and mental health. They can and should be sources of delight. These are more than things we desire. They are things we need. They are...