Getting Started on the Hill House

We’re excited to get started on another “Right Sized” project Sean and Carla discovered and purchased a pretty special piece of land. It turned out to be a long journey with more than a few regulatory and legal hurdles to navigate, but we are finally...
Right Sizing A Home That Fits

Right Sizing A Home That Fits

What is a home that fits? Attention to the impressive energy performance of a home often focuses on the materials and technologies that make it possible. We’ve written our fair share about all that. Yet every project we design begins with the need to answer a simple...
A Missed Opportunity. The Difference Matters.

A Missed Opportunity. The Difference Matters.

We meet folks at a junction. Before we’ve met, the options available to them are defined by the thinking that produced the homes of the past. We know better. What follows is a letter to someone poised at a fork in that road. Maybe you, or someone you know would...
Inspired by Monet’s Kitchen

Inspired by Monet’s Kitchen

A visit to Claude Monet’s home in Giverny was the source of inspiration for a kitchen remodel that expanded a cramped kitchen into a classic butler’s pantry to create an inviting  gathering space for a family that loves to cook together By removing the...