The Arc of Acquisition

Over the course of our lives we travel what I call the “arc of acquisition”. We begin without much, and over time acquire more and more things. Some that we need. Others we just want. We begin without the ability to acquire much and, according to our circumstances,...
’tis the season for Thermal Comfort

’tis the season for Thermal Comfort

In this wintry season, who isn’t thinking about what’s required to be comfortable in our homes? Not too hot and not too cold, the ability to provide thermal comfort is one of the most important functions of a building, which you might think of as your...

Energy Diet Choices Matter

Like someone on a diet who wonders why, despite their best efforts, they can’t seem to lose weight, we sometimes make mistakes in our choices to save energy in our homes. Unless you knew better you’d expect that these seemingly sensible energy saving...
Inch by Inch

Inch by Inch

Let’s start with a tent. Or a tepee. Or an animal skin wrapped round the shoulders. Thin layers. Boundaries between us and inclement conditions outside. Over time we have found ways to thicken that layer of protection. We count on that protective boundary to contain...
Jolly Green Giants

Jolly Green Giants

Homes are built, bought, and sold in markets. Banks lend money to build or buy a home according to an appraisal of its likely value in that market. Before that market went bust it encouraged the construction of increasingly larger and more expensive homes and...