Workarounds for the Homes We Tolerate

Workarounds for the Homes We Tolerate

My son is driving the VW Cabrio convertible I bought in 1999. I still remember being stunned by the fact that you couldn’t put a coffee cup in the cup holder and get it back out without hitting the dashboard. Didn’t they ever even try it? Since their...

Honeywell Put Us to Sleep

In answer to one of my many “why?” questions about how poorly we understand energy, engineer Marc Rosenbaum explained, “Honeywell put us to sleep!” What did he mean? Not that long ago when it was cold out, it was kinda cold in. Or hot for that...

How Precious is Energy? Ask Your Troops!

Do we appreciate what energy is? Do fish know they’re wet? Like clueless fish, we’ve lived within a world of cheap available energy our whole lives. We have no visceral understanding of how remarkable this actually is. For instance, what’s a Watt? How’s this for a...
Waste = Food: Breaking the Trash Habit

Waste = Food: Breaking the Trash Habit

Our houses have habits. And we learn them. Next thing you know you’re adapting your behavior to the way your home doesn’t work. There’s no place to organize the mail, so it lands on the kitchen counter; kid’s backpacks lie on the floor; clothes are piling up on...
The Passive House Solution

The Passive House Solution

I know something new. I know how to design and build homes that are dramatically better than any I’ve ever built. What I know is radically simple. It is systematically measurable and therefore proven. It works. What I know is how to design and build using the Passive...