What’s Your Number?

What’s Your Number?

We like things simple. And relatively immediate. Safe is nice too. Sacrifice? Hopefully not. That’s what makes an abstract idea like climate change and the prospect of literal sea changes such an uninviting topic. The scale of the challenge can look like that...
What’s Precious?

What’s Precious?

I was born in 1953. Growing up, we mostly drank milk and water. Sometimes Kool Aid. And having a glass of orange juice was a treat (and it was a small glass!). Having a coke was special. So was going out to dinner, getting an ice cream cone, going to a movie, or...
Change. One Choice at a Time

Change. One Choice at a Time

Next week CLEAN FOOD author Terry Walters and I will be cooking together at one of the homes featured in Not So Big Remodeling. Terry inspires me. Terry has a message that we are all eager to hear. Like this call to action from her blog: We sit on the sidelines,...
Future Friendly Homes: Choice or Necessity

Future Friendly Homes: Choice or Necessity

What’s next? Here’s a premise: The next twenty years are going to be nothing like the last twenty years. It’s time to adjust. As the economy has provoked the building industry to take a pause its been interesting to watch the reactions. I’ll...
Measure Up: Verification vs. Assertion

Measure Up: Verification vs. Assertion

There can be a big difference between what people claim and the actual facts about that claim. Big surprise! That’s why we have scales. And rulers and levels. And now we are using a new set of instruments (scientists don’t call them “tools”) to...