The Quarry in your Kitchen

The Quarry in your Kitchen

So many kitchens. So many stone countertops. Beautiful, swirling marbles. Rich chocolate caramel granites. Blues. Golds. Emerald greens. Works of astounding abstract art created by nature. And they’re durable and long lasting. When I think back over the last two...

It Takes More Than Talent

OK. I’m probably not the best person to throw around sports metaphors. But here goes. We all want the A team playing for us. And not just that. We want a good diversity of skills. And how about a “bench” to draw from so we can put together the right mix for the right...
Cash for Clunkers: Home Edition

Cash for Clunkers: Home Edition

Its no surprise that the “cash for clunkers” program is a hit. Not only do you get a significant subsidy for a new car, those who participate are going to save big on fuel. Based on average annual mileage of 13,500 and $3/gallon gas, a modest 7MPG improvement saves...
Solar Chutes & Ladders

Solar Chutes & Ladders

For all you read about our bright solar future its pretty interesting to see the process in action. I’m not talking about designing and installing solar systems. I’m talking about the meeting of the industry’s trade association Solar CT that I attended yesterday. I...
Passive House: Maximize Gains, Minimize Losses

Passive House: Maximize Gains, Minimize Losses

For the past twenty years we’ve been caught up in an investment fever. Everyone needed to have investments that were working for them just to stay economically afloat. So you had to think about your income and how to optimize it. Stocks. Mutual Funds. IRA’s....