In Sync

It looks so good when everything lines up. Our brains are actually wired to appreciate this. Walk by a picture that’s a little crooked and you can’t help but reach over to get it right. “Is that OK?” we ask someone across the room. I was thinking about how much time...

Whither the Carriage House

Buildings last a long time. Within their forms are embedded the cultural assumptions of the time of their creation. Just thinking about those avocado green kitchen appliances from my youth makes me cringe! And what about those knotty pine kitchen cabinets or basement...

If Energy Dripped

I’m fascinated with “sensing” energy. I mean, what if we could actually hear the steady drip of the energy that is still flowing when we think everything is “off”. Have you ever walked around your house in the dark and noticed all the little lights that are on...

The “New” Industrial Revolution

Steven Chu is a funny guy! And really smart. What a relief to have him as our Energy Secretary. He was on The Daily Show the other night and, beside speaking forcefully for the need to respond NOW to the very real threat of climate change, I noticed him repeatedly...

Where Were We Headed?

I’ve spent my career making beautiful spaces. “Making good homes better” is how I like to sum it up. I think that’s still what I do, and want to do, but what makes a good home is taking on new meanings. Sure its still about creating homes that look good, work well,...