Spaces to Be You

Spaces to Be You

Surrounded by Books Given a home large enough to devote a single room to reading and books this might be what you get. There is even a wall for magazine subscriptions done the way they do it in public libraries, with the current issues on display and past issues on...
New Transitions

New Transitions

Create anticipation, but save the surprise! Inside this simple and satisfying facade are room after room of truly great spaces. But the exterior is not giving that away. It is however suggesting that care and attention is being given to your entry to the home. Hmm… I...
Meet & Greet

Meet & Greet

Meet and Greet Guests all arrive at this door, despite the fact that there is a front door – the “Halloween” door is what we call it. There is something compelling about this entry that signals that you are being invited in. Through this opening is a layer dedicated...
Lower Levels (not Basements!)

Lower Levels (not Basements!)

Exercise Room Lower levels of homes are often candidates for a space to exercise, especially if there is room for the equipment that supports a well rounded workout. This space had the good fortune of being in a home built into a hill, so there it really is an...
Outdoor Rooms

Outdoor Rooms

Outdoor rooms connect you with central indoor activity areas. It should be as easy and inviting to live outdoors and step into these “outdoor rooms” as it is to travel from the dining to the living room. It’s about indoors flowing outdoors both visually and...
Screen Porches

Screen Porches

Summer Dining Room This lakeside screen porch is the quintessential outdoor room. In a summer home devoted to family gathering the doors to the house can stay open and activity can take place in this screen porch as if it were just another room in the house. This is...